It’s more and more the case that planning and design consultants and experts in general have to come to grips with this construction method. And often for the specific reason that the application of deep compaction can solve our modern environmental problems quickly and cheaply.
It’s more and more the case that planning and design consultants and experts in general have to come to grips with this construction method. And often for the specific reason that the application of deep compaction can solve our modern environmental problems quickly and cheaply.
Our Vibroflotation Equipment can help to solve problems, namely:
Due the rising costs of property in densely built-up areas, buildings are being constructed to ever-greater heights.
In some areas the reclaiming of land is more and more necessary and is possible to a depth of 100 m with low costs.
Larger industrial plants are subject to the laws of profitability.
The choice of location for new industrial complexes is made according to decisive criteria. For this reason it is becoming more and more common nowadays that areas with only a small amount of firm building ground are chosen.
Nowadays, within the framework of international economic development, highly technical production and utilities plants have to be constructed even in earthquake danger areas.
The unmistakable trend that building materials are to be used to their maximum possible capacity. This means that buildings are constructed which are statically redundant and which have at the same time, relatively sensitive foundations.
Conclusion: A stabile foundation makes increasingly higher demands on the foundation soil. The existing soil profile often possesses hidden reserves for supporting loads, which, however, have first to be activated by treatment. In other words the ground has to be improved.